Michael Connolly, 46, was prosecuted by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) after he repeatedly ignored calls to improve his conditions at the site in Littleborough where he had employed contractors to convert a house into flats and shops.
HSE inspectors who visited the site in Church Street found that there were no toilets or washing facilities. They also discovered live wires sticking out of lug sockets, unsafe scaffolding and plaster and rubble scattered all over the site.
Inspectors deemed the site to be so dangerous that Mr Connolly was immediately served with three improvement notices and two prohibition notices following the visit on 4 November 2009.
Despite Mr Connolly's assurances that he had complied with all the notices, when inspectors revised the site on several occasions over a 10-week period, they discovered he had still not provided adequate facilities for workers, including soap and hot running water.
HSE Inspector Alan Pojur said:
"In failing to provide basic amenities like hot water, especially when workers would have been covered in building site dust and plaster, Mr Connolly showed a complete lack of regard for the welfare of the people he employed".
This is a perfect example of why people should make sure they read the health and safety act.