Friday, 25 November 2011

HR Case Study Law Updates

Human Resource: HR Case Study Law Updates

The case of Adams and another V Harwich International Port Ltd ET/1503084/10 has confirmed that employees who are off sick over the start/finish of an annual leave year are entitled to carry all of their accrued leave to the following annual leave year. It was previously thought that this rule would only apply to the 4 weeks of holidays granted by the European Directive relating to holidays, but the case confirmed that it also applies to the additional 1.6 weeks granted by the UK Government via the Working Time Regulations.

The case of Williams and others v British Airways Plc has clarified that holiday pay should include supplementary payments and allowances, not just basic pay.

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1 comment:

  1. I have questions regarding this kind of situations, regarding the benefits of employees when they are sick.
